Privacy Policy

Disclosure and Privacy Policy

Sneakcheap may have financial relationships with some of the merchants mentioned on this blog. Sneakcheap may be compensated if consumers choose to utilize the links located throughout the content on this site and generate sales for the merchant. Sneakcheap may be compensated for certain paid links and advertisements on this blog. You are not obligated to click on any link or buy any products that are advertised.
Per FTC guidelines, Sneakcheap may be compensated by companies mentioned through advertising, affiliate programs, or otherwise. Any references to third party products, rates, or websites are subject to change without notice. 
Information presented on Sneakcheap is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not meant to be taken as financial, medical, or legal advice. The views expressed on this website are personal opinions only and should not be construed as advice for your given situation. While all attempts are made to present accurate information, it may not be appropriate for your specific circumstances and information may become outdated over time. I am not a finance expert and you should seek out a professional before making any financial decisions.  Please make sure to do your own due dilligence and seek a trusted financial professional before making any financial decisions of your own. The information presented on Sneakcheap also does not constitute medical or legal advice, and the appropriate professionals should be consulted for your personal situation.
Sneakcheap does not make any representations as to the validity, accuracy, completeness, or suitability of any claims made here. Sneakcheap does not assume any liability with regard to financial results based on the use of the information provided here. Furthermore, advertisers, commenters, and linked sites are solely responsible for their views and content – which do not necessarily represent the views of Sneakcheap.

Privacy Policy
At Sneakcheap, the privacy of our visitors is extremely important. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of personal information that is received and collected and how it is used.

This Privacy Policy is reviewed and revised from time to time. You will want to revisit it regularly. Your use of this site, in any and all forms, constitutes an acceptance of this Privacy Policy.

1. Log Files

We use log files like many other websites. The information in the log files include:

  • Internet Protocol addresses (IP)
  • Types of browser
  • Internet Service Provider (ISP)
  • Date and time stamp
  • Referring and exit pages
  • Number of clicks

All of this information is not linked to anything that is personally identifiable.

2. Cookies

We use cookies to store information about visitor preferences and to record user-specific information on visits and pages the user views so as to provide a custom experience. In regard to third-party advertisers, we have no access or control over these cookies. You should review the respective privacy policies on any and all third-party ad servers for more information regarding their practices and how to opt-out.

If you wish to disable cookies you may do so through your web browser options. Instructions for doing so and for other cookie-related management can be found on the specific web browsers’ websites.

DoubleClick DART Cookie

Google, a third party vendor, uses the DART cookie to serve ads. Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting Google’s Content Network Privacy Policy.

Amazon Affiliates Cookie

Amazon Affiliates, a third party system, uses cookies to serve advertisements and links to products on  You may read more about Amazon Affiliates and their Operating Agreement here.

BuySellAds Cookie

BuySellAds is an ad-serving platform and network that provide direct advertising opportunities for businesses and organizations. You may read more about this cookie and their Privacy Policy here.

3. Other

Users might be asked to subscribe to our newsletter by providing an email address to receive communications. We use a secure op-in subscription system and we reserve the right to contact subscribers with information related to this website and blog. Subscribers may unsubscribe anytime and every email delivered will contain an “Unsubscribe” link.

We reserve the right to update our policies at any time.

Last Updated: May 1, 2018


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